This directory contains "Lux" - a (very slightly) modified version of the programming language Lua, extended with a number of libraries. WHAT IS LUX Lux aims to be a small, portable, and flexible scripting environment, with bindings to a number of other languages. Besides the designer's goal to have Lua provide scripting for C, C++, etc, Lux also offers a way to write code once, and then use the result in Tcl, Python, Perl, and so on. Given that a key goal of Lux is to facilitate deployment, the Lua core engine has been re-packaged into a single C source file. WHAT'S IN A NAME I have resisted the temptation to rename everything "Lux", since this would then ultimately have to be carried through over the entire API. For the time being most new code - such as all the different language bindings - has the text "lua" in it. This should not be construed as an attempt to misrepresent the origins of Lua vs. Lux. DOWNLOADS AND INSTALLATION This is work in progress, installation instructions and documentation are not yet available, other than what is at the following URL: As general rule, "lux-N.M.tar.gz" is source code release version N.M, while "lux-XYZ.tar.gz" are the most recent compiles for platform XYZ. The source code release includes an "examples/" directory. TECHNICAL SUPPORT I am not offering support at this early stage of development - but am most definitely interested in getting feedback about this Lux system. Bug reports, and expecially bug fixes and porting modifications, will be gratefully accepted, merged into the code, and acknowledged. CREDITS AND COPYRIGHTS This software builds upon the Lua scripting language, as developed by Waldemar Celes, Roberto Ierusalimschy and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo at TeCGraf, the Computer Graphics Technology Group of PUC-Rio Brazil: Without their work and Lua's open source release, Lux wouldn't exist. Lua's (BSD-ish) license can be found on the web at the following URL: My own code is in the public domain. You may use and copy it freely. The responsibility for the use of this material resides entirely with you. I make no warranty of any kind concerning this material, nor do I make any claim as to the suitability of Lux for any application. -- Coen Siegerink Mission Impossible 5oftware Team